Once you’ve planned an epic road trip, booked your hotels, organized your activities, and taken care of any long-term maintenance items on your vehicle, there are still a number of details to check in the weeks, days, and hours before you hit the road. Read on for a handy list of the most important items you should handle before you head out on the open road.
Check Your Tire Pressure
A long trip at highway speeds can put a lot of heat into your tires, especially in the summer—so make sure your tires are properly inflated. And don’t just go with the standard settings. If you’re taking family and plenty of belongings, see if your owner’s manual recommends higher pressures for a heavily loaded vehicle.
Check On Your Spare
Flat tires aren’t terribly common these days, but they’re no fun, so make sure you’re prepared. Check your spare’s air pressure and perhaps even inflate it a few psi above the recommendation so it will be ready even after a long trip. Make sure that your jack, lug wrench, and other tools are in their proper place. If your car has tire sealant instead of a spare, make sure that your can is full of the magic goo and that the air compressor works.
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