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Friday, April 22, 2016

If My Car Recommends Regular Gas, Is It Good to Use Premium Occasionally?


The only guaranteed result of using premium gas in an engine designed for regular is that you will spend more money. As far as any tangible benefits, the chances are slim to none.

If your engine runs fine on regular, filling it with premium is unlikely to boost acceleration or fuel economy by more than insignificant amounts. No matter what you've heard, premium won't do more to clean deposits from your fuel injectors or other parts of the fuel system because today's regular gas contains the same detergent additives.

The main difference with premium is its higher-octane rating, 91 or higher compared with 87 for regular. The higher octane gives premium gas greater resistance to early fuel ignition, which can result in potential damage, sometimes accompanied by audible engine knocking or pinging. Higher octane allows engines to have higher compression ratios (for a more energetic explosion), more advanced ignition timing or forced-air induction like turbochargers or superchargers. They perform best when fed premium gas.
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